An artist and a mountainAbout Bending Horizons

Artist-Astronaut @sarahjanepell Bending Horizons Everest Summit Expedition @bendinghorizons @SarahJanePell #Everest #Art #Space #Analogue #Kickstarter from Bending Horizons on Vimeo.

Inspirational Encounters

  • Climbing a grade 21 multi-pitch at Mt. Arapilis for my 21st birthday, I meet Brigitte Muir soloing a grade 24 climb. I incorporate rock climbing as a form of choreography in my first major commissioned public programs performance 'The Many-to-Many-World', held in The Great Hall at the National Gallery of Victoria, 1997. Muir becomes the the first Australian woman to summit Mt. Everest (May 27, 1997).
  • In Melbourne 1999, Sue Gregory asks me to assist her with a suprise plan to restore an original timepiece for her husband Alfred Gregory: the official photographer of the first successful Mt. Everest summit expedition by Tenzing and Norgay (1953). Alf is moved to tears. He presents me with a signed book of his photos and describes what wonder might remain for the artist given today's noisey traffic "up there".
  • NASA Astronaut and Everest Summiteer Scott Parazynski describes “The vacuum of space is not that dissimilar from high on Everest” (2007).